Friday 13 June 2014



Throughout history man has always had a trusted companion, someone
who is so attached to us called man’s best friend.

We all know our friends go woof woof, chew bones, wag their tails or walk in circle before lying down, do you know why?
Here we go…

#1… Puppies are born deaf and can hear after 21 days. Once all their 18   muscles in their ears have developed they can hear 4 times the distance of a normal human ear which has 6 muscles.

#2… If you play the Beatles album Sargent Pepper, listen to the track song
“A day in the life”.
The Beatles, at the end of their song have put a high pitched whistle in frequency of 15 kilohertz which can be detected by canines but not the human ear. Paul McCartney played this prank on his favorite English Sheepdog named Martha.
Who knows your dog too may become a fan of the Beatles and this song.

#3… Dogs are the first animals domesticated by humans.

#4… 94 percent pet owners say their pet makes them smile more than once a day.

#5... 70 percent of people sign their pets name on greetings and 60 percent include pets in family portrait.

#6… Dogs can smell about 1,000 times better than humans. Humans have
5 million smell detecting cells, dogs have more than 220 million.

#7... Sweat glands of a dog are between the paw pads.

#8… A dog’s normal body temperature is between 100.5 to 102.5 degrees Fahrenheit.

#9… Dogs are capable of understanding up to 250 words and gestures.

#10... Golfer Tiger Woods stuttered as child and used to talk to his dog until he fell asleep in an effort to get rid of it.

#11… In ancient China, an emperor’s last line of defense was a small Pekingese dog literally hidden up his sleeve.

#12… The wetness of a dog’s nose is essential for determining what direction a smell is coming from

#13... Dogs drink water by using and forming the back of their tongue into a mini cup.

#14... Service dogs are trained to know when they are in harness, they are on duty and it’s business time. When you  take it off, they immediately become playful and energetic.

#15… Dogs can be beneficial additions to the lives of children with Autism. Trained dogs can lessen a child’s tendency of aggressiveness and give them a sense of independence.

#16... When a puppy is born he is blind, deaf and toothless.

#17... Grown puppies have 28 teeth and a normal adult  dogs have 42.

#18… Dogs chase their tails for a variety of reasons:      
Curiosity, exercise ,anxiety, predatory instinct. If he chases excessively, check for fleas.

#19… Dogs eyes contain a special membrane called Tapetum Lucidem which allows them to see in the dark.

#20… Dogs have 1,700 taste buds. Humans have approximately 9,000 and cats have around 473.

#21… This is funny, when you blow in your dog’s face he gets mad at you? But when you take him out in a car, he sticks his head out of the window.

#22… There are more than a dozen separate muscles that contract a dog’s ear movement and are extremely expressive.

#23... When dogs kick after going to the bathroom, they are using the scent glands on their paws to mark the territory.

#24... Dogs curl up in a ball when they sleep due to an age-old instinct to keep themselves warm and protect their abdomen and vital organs from predators.

#25… It is a myth that dogs are color blind. They can actually see in color, not as vividly as humans but akin to our vision at dusk.

#26… President Lyndon Johnson had two beagles named Him and Her.

#27… President Teddy Roosevelt’s dog, Pete, ripped a French ambassador’s pants off at the White House.
#28… Nearly all of 44 U.S. Presidents have had some kind of domesticated animals.  The Presidential Pet Museum has recorded well over 200 pets who have resided in the White House.

#29... In Roman times, mastiffs donned light armor and were sent after mounted knights.

#30... The Russians trained dogs during WW-II to run suicide missions with mines strapped to their backs.

#31... During WW-II both allied forces and Germany used German Shepherd dogs. The British did not want to call their dogs German decided on the name ‘Alsatian’ after the French border of Alsace-Lorraine.

#32... A dogs mouth exerts 150 to 200 pounds of pressure per square inch and with some dogs exerting 450 pounds per square inch.

#33... 87 percent of dog owners say their dogs curl up beside them or at their feet while they watch TV.

#34... Dogs can be trained to detect epileptic seizures at least 45 minutes earlier. 

#35... The Bible mentions dog 14 times.

#36... Greyhounds are the fastest dogs on earth, with speed of up to 45 miles per hour.

#37… Obesity is the number one health problem among dogs.

#38... The Labrador Retriever is the number one favorite breed in the US, UK and Canada.

#39... Dogs nose prints are as unique as humans finger prints and can be used to accurately identify them

#40... The phrase “Raining cats and dogs” originated in 17th century in England when it is believed many cats and dogs drowned during heavy periods of rain.

#41... Humans have kept dogs as pets for over 12,000 years.

#42... Only dogs and humans have prostrate, but dogs do not have appendix.

#43... An African wolf dog known as Basenji is the only dog in the world that cannot bark.
#44... Chocolates contain substance known as Theobromine (similar to caffeine)
Which can kill dogs or make them violently ill.

#45... ‘Rin Tin Tin’ was the first Hollywood dog star and signed 22 movie contracts with his paw-print.

#46... Female dogs carry their young for sixty day before they are born.

#47... Female dogs are ready to mate ‘in heat’ twice a year for a total of roughly 20 days.

#48… The earliest dog fossil dates back to nearly 10,000 B.C.

#49… Many foot disorders in dogs are simply due to long toe nails.

#50… If you have cancer, diabetes or epilepsy, your dog might be the first to know. They can be trained to sniff out cancers of the lungs, breast, skin, bladder and prostrate as they can pick up on extra ordinary faint scent given off by the abnormal cells.

                                     Watch video on dogs sniffing out human conditions.

#51… Dogs dream like people as they have similar sleep pattern and brain activity as humans. Small breeds tend to dream more than larger ones.

#52... Tail wagging has it’s own language.  Dogs wag their tail to the right when they are happy and to the left when they are frightened. Wagging low means they are insecure and rapid tail wagging accompanied by tense muscles or dilated pupils can signal aggression.

#53… When you scold your Dog and he gives you those  sad  puppy-dog eyes, researchers say are not a sign of guilt, he is just responding to your rebuke.

#54… Dogs have a “sixth sense” A poll done says 67 percent of pet owners reported the pets acting strangely before a storm or calamity. 43 percent said they behaved oddly before something bad happened. The clues? Whining, erratic behavior or trying to hide in a safe place.

#55... Walking in circle before lying down - Dogs in the wild had to create their own comfy sleeping bed, just like us who smack and fluff our pillow before lying our head on it. In the wild dogs walked around in circles to flatten the flora or the tall grass. It also sort of made a fox hole to protect canines from the view of predators.


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