Friday, 24 April 2015

Diabetes in Dogs

Our emotions often prevent the rational thought process that is necessary to make good decisions on our animal companions when they become ill.

Herod, a German Shepherd dog is a star in our neighborhood. Herod is patted by everyone and pampered by his owner with special treats, a nook of his own to loll about and regular visits to dog restaurants. Living indoors with a sedentary lifestyle and no regular exercise, poor Herod has become a victim to diabetes.
It appears that pets are going the way of humans and falling prey with unhealthy lifestyle, poor feeding practices and lack of adequate exercise.  Diabetes mellitus is increasing among dogs and cats as well.    
Researchers estimate that one in 200 dogs will develop the disease. Fortunately, treatment has made huge strides in recent years, and as a result, dogs with diabetes are living longer, healthier lives.

Diabetes in simple phrase: 
The mechanism of diabetes is relatively simple to describe.
Just as cars use gas for fuel, body cells run on a sugar called glucose. The body obtains glucose by breaking down carbohydrates in the diet. Cells then extract glucose from the blood with the help of insulin, a hormone made by the pancreas in specialized cells called beta cells. (The pancreas, an organ situated behind the stomach, produces several hormones.) In diabetes mellitus, cells don’t take in enough glucose, which then builds up in the blood. As a result, cells starve and organs bathed in sugary blood are damaged. Diabetes is not curable, but it is treatable; with proper care, a dog with diabetes may live many happy years after diagnosis.

Diabetes in Humans:
Humans are subject to essentially three kinds of diabetes.
By far the most common is Type 2, followed by Type 1 and gestational diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes has typically been a disease of middle and old age (though it is being seen increasingly in young people), and has two causes: The beta cells don’t make enough insulin, or muscle cells resist insulin’s help and don’t take in enough glucose (or both). As a result, blood glucose levels climb.

Type 1 diabetes usually occurs when the immune system attacks and destroys the beta cells, cutting off insulin production; the reason for this attack is thought to be a combination of genetic predisposition plus exposure to a trigger (research into possible triggers is ongoing). Glucose then stays in the blood and, again, levels skyrocket. Roughly half of people who have Type 1 diabetes develop it by age 20.

Gestational diabetes starts during pregnancy and is probably caused by hormonal changes.

Diabetes in Dogs:   
Let’s flip the coin…

So, your dog has diabetes. Take a deep breath. 
The label your vet gives your dog’s diabetes isn't important.  With good care, your companion can lead a long, healthy life. A good treatment plan is what matters and what you should do.

Treating diabetes is as much an art as a science.

Diabetes Contrast in Humans and Dogs:
There are pitfalls in trying to make the diabetes we see in dogs conform to the terminology invented to describe diabetes in humans or in assuming that the causes and treatments for the two should be the same.
In some ways, diabetes in dogs and humans are similar. But in many ways they are not.

Several forms of diabetes occur in dogs, but the one affecting your dog is most likely Diabetes Mellitus (sugar diabetes).  Pets with diabetes mellitus all have problems utilizing the sugar in their blood stream, either because their pancreas no longer produces enough insulin (similar to Human Type I Diabetes) or because the insulin is not as effective as it once was (similar to Human Type II Diabetes).  There is little or no evidence that Type II diabetes occurs in dogs.
Most dogs that develop diabetes mellitus develop a condition similar to Type I diabetes or humans (Insulin deficiency diabetes – IDD).  That is, for one reason or another, their pancreas no longer produces enough insulin.

Information on a dog’s  Pancreas:

Your dog’s pancreas is a small, light-pinkish organ that is nestled in the folds of its small intestine. It is not very striking – one might mistake it for ordinary abdominal fat.  Although it is quite small, the pancreas has two very important functions. One is to produce enzymes that allow your pet to digest food.
The other is to produce a hormone (Insulin) that regulates how your dog’s body utilizes sugar (Glucose).
Glucose is the main fuel of all animal cells.  Most of the body’s glucose manufactured in the pet’s liver or released from recent carbohydrate meals.
Many types of cells form the pet’s pancreas.  The ones that are important in understanding diabetes occur in small islands scattered throughout the pancreas (Islets of Langerhams).  These particular insulin-secreting cells are called ß (beta) cells.

When your dog doesn’t want to eat and is throwing up, you hope it’s a passing thing. Many times, it is – but it could be a condition called ‘Pancreatitis’, if so, he’ll need treatment. Pancreatitis can come on all at once and then pass, or it can stay for longer periods.

·         Often a dog loses appetite.
·         Vomits.
·         Has belly pain.

Other Symptoms:
§        A fever or low body temperature.
·         Diarrhea.
·         No energy.
·         A hard time breathing.
·         Dehydration.
·         Irregular heartbeat.

Watch your dog’s diet. Make sure he doesn't have too much high fat food.
Don’t cave to his pleading puppy-dog eyes, even on special occasions. Your dog doesn't need to eat human food.  Keep your garbage secure.  Cases rise more during the holidays, when people are eating more fatty foods and so are their pets.

How is Diabetes Diagnosed?

In order to properly diagnose diabetes, your veterinarian will collect information about your dog’s clinical signs, perform a physical examination and check blood work and a urinalysis.

Which Dogs Are Prone to Diabetes?
Diabetes mellitus in dogs usually occurs between 5 and 12 years of age.  It is quite uncommon to see it in pets under 3.
Female dogs and neutered male dogs are more likely than intact males to get diabetes, considerably more female pets (about 72%) develop the disease.
Some breeds may also run a greater risk, they include the Samoyed, Schnauzers, Keeshond, Puli, Poodles, Beagles, Tibetan terrier, Dachshunds, Schnauzers and Cairn terriers, while others such as Boxers, Golden Retrievers and German Shepherd dog seem less susceptible.

Why Pets Get Diabetes:

Obesity is far and away the biggest reason pet dogs and cats to become diabetic. Another factor is their unhealthy diet or some commercially available pet foods, such as kibble (Dry Food). Dry food decreases hyperglycemia (high blood sugar) after eating because it takes longer to digest, while wet food may encourage the dog to eat well and increase fluid intake.
Another lifestyle-related reason pets develop diabetes, one that often goes hand-in-hand with poor nutrition is ‘Lack of Physical Activity’.

Your dog or cat needs regular aerobic exertion to help maintain a healthy weight and to keep her muscles in shape.  Your pet should be getting 20 to 40 minutes of aerobic type exercise several days a week.       
When you feed your pet many commercially available pet foods, such as kibble, not only do you risk exposing them to contamination concerns, but also, and perhaps more importantly, these foods typically are not biologically balanced for your domesticated carnivore (cat) and scavenging carnivore (dog).
Instead, many contain inferior meat meals, cheap grains like corn rice and wheat soy, fillers, by products food coloring, pesticides, preservatives, and other contaminants. Because of their inferior quality, common symptoms associated with regular consumption of commercial pet foods include:
·         Diarrhea.
·         Increased flatulence.
·         Dull coat.
·         Intermittent vomiting.
·         Prolonged scratching.


Help Your Pets Stay Trim:
You can help your dog or cat stay trim by feeding him a portion controlled moisture rich species appropriate diet consisting primarily of a variety of unadulterated protein sources, healthy fats veggies and fruit in moderation and specific nutritional supplements as necessary.
Your pet has no biological requirement for grains or most other carbs.  Carbs which can be as much as 80% the ingredient content of processed pet food, turn into sugar in your pet’s body.

The symptoms of diabetes can develop very gradually and include the following:


Increased urination and increased thirst.  These two signs are hallmarks of a diabetic condition, so you’ll want to watch closely, especially as your dog ages. Unfortunately, increased thirst and urine output are also signs of other serious health problems. So, regardless of age or condition of your dog or cat, you should make an appointment with your vet.
Increased appetite. Your pet might grow hungrier over time because the amino acids and glucose needed inside the cells aren’t getting there, or aren’t being used appropriately.
Food fuel:  Your veterinarian will determine how many calories your dog needs every day, based on his weight and activity level.  Once you know that number, it’s important to keep a close eye on what he eats and how much.

Weight loss. When the cells of your pet’s body are being starved of essential nutrients, the result is often an increase in appetite.  But because the energy from food is not being used efficiently by the body’s cells, your pet can lose weight even though he’s taking in more calories.


Lack of energy and increased need for sleep.  When the cells of your pet’s body are deprived of blood sugar, he’s apt to show a general lack of desire to run, take a walk with you or engage in play.


Vision problems. Another symptom of diabetes in companion animals is blindness, which is seen primarily in dogs, but cats can also develop blindness.
Diabetes is a primary cause of cataracts (cloudy lenses) in dogs.  In fact, 75 percent of diabetic dogs will develop blindness from cataracts within a year of diagnosis.  Diabetic cataract occur very quickly, sometimes literally overnight. Your dog goes to bed with normal eyes, and in the morning his eyes are white. You need to get him to the vet immediately for a diabetes workup.
Most dogs have inherited cataracts, and they can develop at any age.  Cataracts are more prevalent in pure bred dogs than mixed breeds.
Another common cause of cataract in dogs is toxicity from drugs like vaccines, heartworm preventives, and flea/tick medications.

Weakness in rear limbs (cats only). This symptom is unique to kitties with diabetes. It’s called the plantigrade stance. Instead of walking high up on the pads of his feet, which is how cats normally walk, a cat with plantigrade stance will drop his hind quarters low and actually walk on his back ankles. Fortunately, this symptom can be reversed once your kitty’s diabetes is under control.
Urinary tract infections.  It’s not at all uncommon for diabetic dogs and cats to acquire secondary urinary tract infections.  This happens because the more sugar there is in the urine, the greater the likelihood that bacteria will grow in your pet’s bladder.
If you notice these above symptoms, visit your vet immediately.
The vet will want to perform blood test to see how the levels of glucose are in the bloodstream and to make sure no other organs have been affected by diabetes.  They will also want to perform a urinalysis to check kidney function and monitor for urinary tract infection, which are common in diabetics.


Kidney failure.
Kidney failure, especially in cats, is also a common secondary symptom of diabetes. Often the first diagnosis for a diabetic kitty is chronic renal insufficiency or acute kidney problems.  The sugar that is meant to be retained in your pet’s bloodstream spills over into the urine and is very damaging to the kidneys.
Pets with kidney disease can show a variety of physical signs. Some of the signs are nonspecific and may be seen in other disorders such as liver or pancreatic diseases, or urinary tract disorders not involving the kidney. Signs may include:
§  Increased water consumption.
§  Increased urination volume.
§  Decreased urination.
§  Lack of urination.
§  Blood in urine.
§  Decreased appetite.
§  Vomiting.
§  Weight loss.
§  Lethargy.
§  Diarrhea.
If your dog is showing any of the clinical signs listed above, please see your veterinarian right away.

How is Diabetes Treated?
o   Diabetes treatment is based on how severe the symptoms and lab work are and whether there are any other health issues that could complicate therapy.  Each dog will respond a little bit differently to treatment, and therapy must be tailored to the individual dog throughout his life.

o   Some dogs may be seriously ill when first diagnosed and will require intensive hospital care for several days to regulate their blood sugar.

o   Dogs who are more stable when first diagnosed may respond to oral medication or high-fiber diet that helps to normalize glucose levels in the blood.

o   For most dogs, insulin injections are necessary for adequate regulation of blood glucose.  Once your pet’s individual insulin treatment is established, typically based on weight, you’ll be shown how to give him insulin injection at home.

o   Spaying your dog is recommended, as female sex hormones can have an effect on blood sugar levels.

o   Ask your vet to show you how to perform glucose tests and give your dog insulin injection at home.


Using Lancets and Glucose Meter:
Lancet: Not every pet is manageable to getting pricked with a lancet so that a drop of blood can be harvested for testing. Neither would you want your pet to get a fear to interact with you nor you to get bitten or scratched; still, some pets are comfortable with periodic glucose monitoring at home.  
Home testing may work best for pets that become so agitated that their blood sugar levels are altered at the vet’s office and a true analyzing cannot be interpreted, and certainly a pet owner can save a great deal of money if they can produce their own glucose curve at home when the veterinarian requests one.

Glucometer: Human Glucometer was all that was available for decades and worked sufficiently. Now, we do have glucometers designed for pets and are more accurate. Consult your veterinarian to recommend.

IMPORTANT – Insulin Shock:
As a novice, you might err in administering proper insulin dosage.

If your pet appears wobbly or drunken, the blood sugar level may have dropped too low and this occurs after an insulin overdose.  First try to get your pet to eat.  If the pet will not eat, administer light Karo syrup (high fructose corn syrup), honey, or even sugar-water at a dose of one tablespoon per pounds.  If no improvement occurs, immediately see your vet for emergency treatment. 

When the dog is stable, a glucose curve will be needed to determine why this happened and what more appropriate insulin dose might be.

If the patient refuses food, do not continue to give insulin to a dog who is not eating. Consult your vet to check for a concurrent illness.

What Can Happen If Diabetes Goes Untreated?
If left untreated diabetes in dogs can be devastating in the animal, they can develop secondary health problems. They are more susceptible to infections and are likely to develop neurological problems as well like enlarged livers, severe urinary tract problems, cataracts, and they can go into coma and death.

Finding the right diet and exercising your dog regularly is a key part of diabetes management.

If your dog is too fat…
      The owner is not getting enough exercise…

Friday, 3 April 2015

Humans, Canines and Yellow Ribbons.

Over the last few decades, no single form of expression documented in the Archive of Folk Culture has stimulated more letters, more phone calls, and more in-person inquiries than the “Yellow Ribbon

It was in 1870’s, a written agreement of a pledge by a worker not to join a union was commonly called as the ‘Infamous Document’. They were widely used in the United States and Great Britain which enabled employers to take legal actions against union organizers for encouraging workers to break these contracts.

The infamous document later started to be called as a “Yellow Dog” contract – because a dog is always loyal to its master. In the US the word ‘Mongrel’ was added, for sure it reduced the level of a man.
In 1932, Yellow-dog contracts were outlawed in the United States and later in Britain.

                                        Lady with a Yellow Ribbon  (American Artist circa-1900)

The origin of the idea of a Yellow Ribbon’ as remembrance may have been the 19th century practice that some women allegedly had of wearing a yellow ribbon in their hair to signify their devotion to a husband or sweetheart serving in the U.S. Cavalry.

“She Wore a Yellow Ribbonis a popular U.S. military song that is used even today to keep 'Marching Cadence'.

This song is from a 1949 award winning ‘Technicolor Western’ film, the most expensive movie with a budget of $1.6 million at that time.

The story of She Wore a Yellow Ribbon”...

After Custer and the 7th Cavalry are wiped out by Indians, everyone expects the worst.  Captain Nathan Brittles (John Wayne) is ordered out on patrol but he’s also required to take along Abby Allshard (Mildred Natwick), wife of the Fort’s Commanding Officer, and her niece, the pretty Olivia Dandridge (Joanne Dru), who are being evacuated for their own safety.

Brittles is only a few days away from retirement and Olivia has caught the eye of two young officers in the Company, Lt. Flint Cohill and 2nd Lt. Ross Pennel.

Olivia’s taken to wearing a Yellow Ribbon in her hair, a sign that she has a beau in the Cavalry, but refuses to say for whom she is wearing it.

                                                    Movie Theme from She Wore a Yellow Ribbon (1949)

Tie a Yellow Ribbon Round the Ole Oak Tree

A song by Dawn, featuring Tony Orlando.

A worldwide hit song in 1973.  It topped number one in both US and UK for four weeks, seven weeks in Australia, and ten weeks in New Zealand

The song is told from the point of view of a prisoner who has completed his sentences but is uncertain if he will be welcomed home. He writes to his love asking her to tie a yellow ribbon around the ‘ole oak tree’ if she wants him to return to her life.
To his amazement, there are 100 yellow ribbons around the tree – a sign he is very much welcome.

                                                      Tie a Yellow Ribbon round the ole oak tree (With Lyrics)

Hanwell, West London:
Hanwell streets remain awash with yellow ribbons for 14 year old, Alice Gross, who was found dead on 30th September.  While photos of Alice are being removed, the family have requested the Yellow Ribbons be kept up as a lasting symbol of solidarity.

Eccles, Greater Manchester:
You will find similar Yellow Ribbon tributes to hostage Alan Henning, who was beheaded by the Islamic State extremists in a video of 3rd October.

                                                     Alan Henning's Yellow Ribbon

How did the Yellow Ribbon become such a powerful tool for uniting communities and is its meaning universal?

The Yellow Ribbon as it is used today stems from the unlikely 1973 hit song Tie a Yellow Ribbon Round the Ole Oak Tree and the 1979 US-Iranian hostage crisis.

It was Penne Laingen 82, wife of US hostage Bruce Laingen 92, who transformed the Yellow Ribbon meaning.

It was December 1979. There were some Iranian students in the streets protesting when some of American college students began throwing dog food at them.

A reporter asked Mrs Laingen, what she thought.
“I told her that it won’t help our hostages, and that we should teach the Iranians that you can’t protest on the streets without being harmed”, said Mrs. Laingen.

Inspired by the 1973 song, she suggested that they tie a Yellow Ribbon to nearby trees.
As the tributes show, this practice has crossed the Atlantic. Both in the US and the UK, Yellow Ribbons have become a more general symbol of support for soldiers fighting abroad.
The Yellow Ribbon in the west has always been a symbol of sorrow or empathy.

            Penne and Bruce Laingen with their yellow ribbon on a tree near their house.

Democracy Movements:
Around the world, the yellow ribbon has adapted further still in the Philippines, it is associated with former President Corazon Aquino,

While in South Korea it became famous for those who died in the Sewol ferry sinking. 
Recently, we seen it on the streets of Hong Kong as democracy protesters submerged the city.

                                                                               Hong Kong Protesters with Yellow Umbrellas

When Penne Laingen was told about her simple movement for her husband has spread in every corner, she was touched and said:

“Isn’t that wonderful.  Really, it’s just about showing that people care about 

                                                                                                   The Yellow Dog Project ...

Nature of Caring for each other…

We teach our children to live with kindness and respect. If they live with love and compassion, they learn how to love and be caring and compassionate. Caring entails feelings of concern and solicitude for each other.

It is time we humans took this a step forward to have the same compassion towards our four-legged friends.

Whenever dog bite accidents happen, the first one always blamed is the dog.  Is it really just to point fingers at all dogs, or people should take the blame?

Animal experts claim that dogs are just like humans, they have temperamental tendencies that once triggered they will react.  In the case of canines, they react by attacking or biting people.

Anyone who has ever had an infirmed, unsocial or elderly dog is going to love The Yellow Dog Project’, a global movement has now made its mark in 45 countries.
Fans are calling it “Brilliant” and “The best thing to happen since the invention of the leash”.

The Purpose:

The Yellow sign of a ribbon on a leash or a bandana on a dog is to give dog owners the ability to signal when their dog needs space, allowing them to give their dogs a better chance of overcoming problems, and therefore a better standard of life.

Even small children can learn the meaning of the yellow marking.

                Yellow Bandana                                                     

                       Yellow Ribbon on Leash

                                                                                  T-shirt message...

Program to:

·         Give dog owners the possibility to take extra care of their dogs that are sensitive in any way.
·         Prevent unnecessary misunderstandings.
·         Give both dogs and their owners more space or time to move away from people and animals.
·         Create the possibility to slowly train a dog and by that make better training progress.
·         Make life easier for those dogs which for a shorter or a longer period in their lives, need more space from people and animals.
·         There are ‘Lots’ of reasons why some dogs need some more space.  They may be ill, hurt or may be just old.  They may have a new family or bad life experience and need a greater distance to slowly train to cope with their new surroundings.  A bitch may be in season.  Another dog may be having ‘everyday training’.

                                                 Bandana with a message...

o   Reasons a dog may need space:
o   Maybe it has health issues
o   It may be a rescue dog being rehabilated. The world can be very scary place for these dogs.
o   It may have had a bad experience with another dog or is just not like the kind of friendly dog.
o   A bitch may be in heat.
o   May be old and arthritic.
o   It may be very nervous or shy of other dogs which causes it to stress.

§  Visible, easy and affordable to use:
§  It’s visible from a distance.
§  It’s easy to use for everyone.
§  It’s cheap to use for everyone. You can buy ribbons or fabrics to make your own ribbons and bandanas, or you may have some yellow fabrics at home to use.
§  It works internationally.
§  It can be used as long-term or short-term.
§  A ribbon or bandana is easy to put on and off.
§  Even small children will easily learn the meaning of the yellow ribbon – keep away from the dog.
§  It can’t be misunderstood in those countries that are using yellow vests on working dogs, assistance dogs.
§  Common dog products are already found in different colors and are to be used for other reasons.

Never Punish Your Dog:
Punishing an aggressive dog will only make his/her reactions worse. A dog who goes through bad experience will always feel insecure. 
A dog who acts aggressively is only expressing its “Feeling of being scared and/or insecure”. They need ‘Space’ or ‘Distance’ as a need to protect him/herself and it is the responsibility of the owner to look into their insecure needs. 
It is very unfair to punish a dog who is already going through a rough patch.
Invest quality time with your pet, learn to work with him.
Act as a strong, calm, assertive clearly-defined pack leader to your pet. 
Your dog can sense it and will mirror you with trust.

Many in your community may not know the meaning of the Yellow Ribbon.
You can help spread the word as this is a community effort.
We cannot spread the word far enough without YOU.

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